Durer’s Rhinoceros

450mm high
Super Sulpey, Acrylic paint, soft body construction

Albrecht Durer made a woodcut of a Rhinoceros – a beast he had never seen, based on a description given to him by an unknown artist. The accuracy is striking. King Manuel I of Portugal kept the Rhinoceros in his exotic menagerie. He orchestrated a fight between the Rhinoceros and one of his captive Elephants, which fled in fear. The rhinoceros was eventually gifted to the Medici Pope, Leo X in 1515, however during the trip, the ship sank in a storm. The rhinoceros, chained and shackled to the deck to keep it under control, was unable to swim to safety and drowned.

Exhibited at
Journeys through dark and light : Dolls as Storytellers
Petaluma Gallery, San Francisco, USA

The White Clouds Academy Show
Academy Gallery, Wellington, NZ

NIADA 52nd Annual Show
Portland, Oregon, USA

The Creatives, Puke Airiki Museum
Taranaki, NZ

Wild at Heart, Pataka Gallery
Wellington, NZ