The Moose of Fiordland

400mm High
Super Sculpey, Acrylic paint, felt, cardboard

The Moose of Fiordland is a spiritual being who rows out from his isolated island in the heart of Fiordland to rescue native birds and offer them a safe haven on the island” The Moose of Fiordland is a series of dolls which tell Aotearoa New Zealand’s canonical story of Kākāpō conservation. Kākāpō are the worlds only nocturnal flightless parrot and are now critically endangered due to predation form introduced mammals. The Moose is a mythical representation of pioneering conservationist – Richard Treacy Henry – who lived alone in Fiordland, one of the most remote and wild parts of New Zealand. He caught and trans-located Kākāpō parrots by rowboat through turbulent winter seas to an island sanctuary. it is due to his conservation efforts at the turn of the 20th century that the Kākāpō population survives today.

Exhibited at
Riga Professional Doll Festival
Riga, Latvia.

Aotea Centre, Auckland, New Zealand

Journeys through dark and light : Dolls as Storytellers
Petaluma Gallery, San Francisco, USA.

Imaginary Worlds
Expressions Gallery, Wellington, NZ.

2015             Aotearoa Fantastical
Fine Art Academy Gallery, Wellington, NZ.

NIADA 52nd Annual Show
Portland, Oregon, USA.

Private Collection