Underfoot Myco the Magnificent


Myco are fungi that are guardians to all living beings in the forest. They use their long tendrils to communicate with the trees and are always happy to offer shelter and support to other creatures in the forest.

Myco can be broken down into a variety of play parts that can store water, grow seeds, and provide shelter to other toys in the ecosystem.

Myco is the fourth quarter toy and represents the large playset design based on mycorrhizal fungi, which form on tree roots and enable trees to communicate with each other and transfer nutrients to support new growth.

Myco can be broken down into various play parts that can store water, grow seeds, and provide shelter to other toys in the ecosystem. This toy can be broken down into ten components clipped together with encased magnets. The toy breaks down into the “head”, “body,” and “limbs”. Each of these parts can be played with separately, and the arms and legs of the design can be attached to different parts of the head and body interchangeably.

The core face of Myco is a removable plush character that represents the heart of the character. The body itself can provide storage and shelter for other characters. The long limbs come in two forms, which could be purchased separately – either rigid vinyl that can grow elements within or soft poseable felt. The most abstract of the designs Myco, reflects the mystical nature of mycorrhizal fungus, where the main body is located underground.